How To Crack The Exam Of IBPS SO 2020?

IBPS SO 2020

IBPS conducts various exams such as IBPS CLERK, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, etc. IBPS SO exam is one such exam which is open for those who have specialization in their relative stream or skills. The exam preparation for IBPS SO is somewhat different than other regular bank exams. In this there is a professional knowledge section which needs to be prepared thoroughly.

It is asked in the mains exam but if one prepares along with the prelims exam then it will give the best outcomes. IBPS SO 2020 exam is expected to be held in the month of December 2020. We have enough time to prepare for the same.

Let us discuss the tips to crack the exam of IBPS SO 2020 and make the preparation result-effective.
  1. Researched study plan should be crafted for specialist officer exam. Analyze the entire syllabus and checks your weak section and devote more study hours on them initially. Craft the proper structure of your study strategy preferably subject wise. Give equal time to all the subjects it will help you more to qualify it with flying colors.
  2. Topic wise study works wonders. Give enough time to the topic to understand it thoroughly. Do not mix two or three topics at time it can be confusing. Make short notes for every topic to revise them at a glance at the later stage. Include mains exam topics also while doing preparations for prelims. 
  3. Keep upgrading your knowledge about the latest news as current affairs are the important feature in General Awareness section. Read and listen to the news, read magazines and articles to enhance your awareness of India and the world required for banking and economic sectors. Also prepare for professional aptitude section of mains exam which is an integral part of IBPS SO EXAM for professionals.
  4. Work on time management skills by preparing all the topics well so that you can solve them quickly and accurately. Practice mock tests with perfect timings allocated for the test and try to score well in every attempt. IBPS SO follows sectional timings which needs thorough knowledge of almost all the topics to score well. 
  5. Practice as much as you can on every topic you cover on daily basis. Join online test series for IBPS SO and take full length topic tests, mock tests and speed tests to improve your accuracy and speed. Also refer previous year IBPS SO solved question papers to practice the frequently asked questions and the exam pattern followed by IBPS.
  6. Prepare short notes for revision because it will help you in quick revision while doing last minute preparation for IBPS SO Exam. Prepare notes in such a way so that it should include short cuts, tricks, formulas and important points related to the topic. 
  7. Keep your mind and body healthy while doing exam preparation. Avoid indulging into social media and unnecessary friend get-together. To fill up the gaps between the studies you can have a walk or listen to music and feel free. If you are engaged in any social activity it will divert you from studies. Health is wealth and you need to maintain that by doing regular exercises and control on eating. Develop healthy eating habits rather than taking street food. 
  8. Make proper study time table and follow it regularly or else you will not be able to cover the syllabus in time.
Hope these tips will help you prepare effectively for IBPS SO 2020 exam.

For Exam Preparation Join: IBPS SO Online Coaching
Check here for complete details: Bank Exams 2020

All the best!!!
