SSC CHSL 2020 Preparation Tips & Strategy for General Intelligence & Reasoning Section

SSC CHSL 2020 exam has been postponed and the next date has yet to be announced. It was scheduled from 17th March to 28th March 2020 but due to unfortunate CORNO VIRUS OUTBREAK, the exam could not be conducted as LOCKDOWN was implemented throughout the country. Although every aspirant must have covered the entire syllabus you need to maintain the same study routine till the next exam date.

SSC CHSL Prelims Exam comprises of four sections these are:

  • English Language
  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)
  • General Awareness

General Intelligence and Reasoning section is one of the most scoring and easy sections. It does not have formulae or concepts to be mugged up. One needs an aptitude and concentration to solve the questions. This section comprises of puzzles and quizzes based on numbers, alphabets, and figures. It is very easy to score high in SSC CHSL EXAM if an aspirant masters the art of logical aptitude and quick wit.

There are some significant preparation tips and strategies to prepare effectively for SSC CHSL 2020 General Intelligence & Reasoning Section. Let us discuss some of them to assist you in mastering the reasoning ability and score high in the exam. Besides knowing the exam pattern and syllabus there is a need to master the reasoning skills to ace the section well.

Some of the SSC CHSL 2020 Preparation Tips & Strategy for General Intelligence & Reasoning Section is:

1.  Enhance your logical skills

One can enhance the logical skills by taking quizzes and puzzles to sharpen analytical and logical aptitude. This is the best way to improve problem-solving skills which is the ultimate requirement to solve the reasoning questions.

2.  Master the verbal and non- verbal concepts                

The syllabus comprises verbal and non-verbal reasoning therefore one has to develop the aptitude to understand the verbal and non-verbal concepts to solve the questions related to them. Such as Directions is verbal reasoning topic and this can be mastered by understanding the direction sense with respect to the position of the object or person who is being talked about in the question. Similarly, Series should be practiced to know the sequential aspects of alphabets and number systems. It speed-ups the solving while attempting the question in the examination hall. Master them by practicing as much as possible.

3.  Practice hard

Practice every topic of the syllabus very well with as much as 50 MCQs once you have understood the concept to know you’re learning ability and speed to solve the questions based on it. Repeat the topic if you do not perform well in the first attempt. This way you will acquire speed and accuracy which is the basic need to score high.

4.  Solve Previous Year Question Papers

Buy the question bank of SSC CHSL Exam and solve the reasoning section of every year one by one. It will give you an idea about the important topics and the subsequent weightage given in the exam. Thus you can manage your study plan to master the important topics on priority. You can easily access previous year question papers if you have joined online test series for SSC CHSL Exam as it is part of the given package.

5.  Master short tricks and methods

Avoid making unnecessary assumptions while solving the question rather learn short tricks and methods to solve logically or else leave the question in case it is not in your reach.

I hope these tips will give you the expected outcomes. Do practice the SSC CHSL 2020 Preparation Tips & Strategy for General Intelligence & Reasoning Section so that you can score well in the forthcoming SSC CHSL 2020 EXAM.

All the best!!!    

Read This Article To Get Complete Information about- Upcoming SSC Exams 2020
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